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Gifts of Stock
Giftsof Stock

There are many tax benefits to giving stock or other securities such as bonds or mutual funds to the NWA Land Trust. If you have held your stock for more than one year and it is now worth more than you paid for it (appreciated), you could receive a greater tax benefit than if you had given cash.


By donating appreciated stock, you could avoid paying capital gains taxes that would otherwise apply if you had simply sold the asset. In addition, you will receive a tax receipt for the current fair market value of the stock on the date of transfer, no matter what you originally paid for it.


Please consult with your accountant or a qualified tax professional regarding charitable tax deductions. Gifts of stock may be directed to:


Edward E Prewitt, CFP

Managing Director - Investments

217 East Dickson Street - Suite 101

Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701  

Tel 479-521-2200 / Toll Free 800-521-5762 / Fax 479-521-0855

Stock Market Chart
Gifts From Your IRA

Individuals age 70 ½ and older can donate up to $100,000 directly to charitable nonprofits from their individual retirement accounts (IRAs) without it being treated as taxable income. One essential detail — your plan administrator must issue the check directly to the charity.


Studies show that gifting funds directly from your IRA is one of the most tax beneficial means of charitable giving. While this donation cannot be claimed as a charitable deduction, donors could realize other benefits by reducing their taxable income in this way.


Consult your plan administrator or your tax advisors for more information about this provision and specific tax advice. Questions? Contact Marson Nance at  

Gifts from IRA
Gardening Together
Honorarium and Memorial Gifts

Giving a tax-deductible gift is a great way celebrate a holiday, birthday, or to remember a friend or loved one.  Your contribution to the land trust might become an annual tradition made in their honor, or a lasting tribute to celebrate the life they lived.


We will send a letter to the person you list as a contact, letting them know of your thoughtful gift and the lasting impact it will have on conserving special places right here in Northwest Arkansas.  The person will also be honored in our next newsletter.  The amount of your contribution will be kept confidential.

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Honorary Gifts

To donate a gift to the Northwest Arkansas Land Trust in honor or memory of your friend or loved one online, click here, or on the donate button on our website.  Complete the donation steps indicated, including the notes field designated for gift memberships or honorarium and memorial gifts. 


If you would prefer to pay by check, click here to download a gift form.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts are a wonderful way to carry on your legacy and your commitment to the work of the land trust.  With a planned gift, you’ll become part of the NWALT Heritage Club, recognized for your dedication toward ensuring the future of the land trust.


There are many planned giving options that can help you achieve your financial and philanthropic goals, while supporting the mission and work of the land trust.  This may include:


  • Including the Northwest Arkansas Land Trust in your will.

  • The gift of a qualified pension plan (401K, IRA, 403b).

  • A gift through life insurance.

  • A gift with life payments or dividends.

  • Charitable gift annuities.

  • Charitable remainder trusts.

Planned Giving

The Northwest Arkansas Land Trust can help you develop a gift that benefits you, and places we protect.  If you are interested in making a gift, contact our gift planners today.  Your inquiry is always confidential.


Call 479-966-4666, or email Marson Nance at

Gifts of Real Estate

The gift of real estate can be an incredible way to share your love of the land, support the work of the land trust, and have a lasting impact on Northwest Arkansas while reducing your taxes and the burden of land management.


What would the land trust do with my property?

The answer depends on several factors, including the type of property being conserved, and your wishes as the landowner.  The land trust can be creative and flexible, often enlisting sponsors or partner organizations, to help achieve the desired approach and to ensure our capacity to manage the land for the intended purpose.  Possibilities include:


1.  Establish the property as a permanently protected nature preserve or public conservation area to benefit wildlife and the community.


The land trust is interested in properties with conservation value that we can set aside for the benefit of people and wildlife.  Forests, wetlands, ridgelines, meadows and streams provide an opportunity for us to connect people with nature, to provide educational or recreational opportunities, or simply to preserve an area for wildlife, scenic viewing or quiet enjoyment.

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Gifts of Real Estate


2.  Permanently protect the property by placing it into a conservation easement and then selling it to a conservation buyer to help fund other land protection projects.

This can be an important way to increase the pace of land conservation in Northwest Arkansas.  Your gift is essentially leveraged to help protect even more land in our community.  The easement is held and monitored by the land trust to ensure the conservation value of the land is permanently protected, while proceeds from the sale of the property are used to help the land trust place additional properties into protection.


3.  If not a conservation property, sell the property to help fund the work of the land trust.


Gifts of non-conservation real estate can give a major boost to our land conservation efforts.  For example, real estate in town, undeveloped lots, buildings or homes can all be gifted to the land trust, providing you with tax deductions, while helping the land trust fund other important local land protection projects.


To discuss a possible gift of real estate, please contact Marson Nance at or call 479-966-4666.


Saving land today for the generations of tomorrow. 




Mailing Address:

1725 S. Smokehouse Trail

Fayetteville, AR 72701

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© 2022 by Northwest Arkansas Land Trust |  Terms of Use 

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